Again, this is printed in the comic, but for those of you who can't purchase it, since I'm too lazy and unlearned to set up a PayPal store, here's another page.
Been a while since I posted anything. Sisko vs. Picard has been done for a couple months now, albeit in printed form only, thus far. Here's one you probably haven't seen, unless you have the comic. Happy Halloween.
This is actually the very first of the whole series. I've done a first and last strip to create a loose narrative to the whole thing, and it will all be in one handy li'l booklet for sale on August 28th at the Comix & Stories comic con.
I'll be selling this little 10-pager at the Comix & Stories con at Heritage Hall this August 28th! And with enough time & luck, I'll have Space Jet #8, and Mascot Ménage-à-Trois for sale as well. All new. I'll post their respective covers in the coming days.
Hope no one's offended. Ignorance/naivety and comeuppance are themes. If you are offended, take it in the spirit in which it was intended: an ignorant/naive joke.
Here's another one! This probably won't be funny to anyone who didn't watch Next Generation and Deep Space Nine. I'm bleeding nerd-blood onto this blog, like never before.
On the suggestion of a few friends who liked my Sisko/Picard post-it I decided to do more. I got at least a couple more. I'll try and think of some others.